Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Round One of Chemo

We started the first cycle of the biochemo therapy yesterday.  After seeing the Oncologist yesterday morning, Bill was admitted to University Hospital and began the process around 2:00 p.m.  So far he is holding his own.  The side effects of this particular therapy are like having a very  bad case of the flu.  He is beginning to feel those side effects.  The Drs. and Nurses here at University have been wonderful so far, very attentive, efficient and caring.  

This morning we were moved to a private room, which is quite nice.  Maybe I can bring my bed in now, sleeping in the hospital chair gets old fast.  We are on the 8th floor, the south wing room 838.  Hopefully the stay will only be the 5 days as expected and there will be no "drama" this time.  

Bill was feeling so good last week, he even cut the grass.  I know that gave him such a lift psychologically.   It's hard to see him feeling so bad again, but hopefully this will pass quickly and he will be strong again soon.  I know you will keep him in your thoughts and prayers.  We hope to be home by Sunday.  I'll keep you posted.  Holly


Janet said...

It sounds as if everything is progressing as expected. That's a good thing! My family has also received very excellent care at University. I know you both have lots of support during these tough days. Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated through the blog. We are all holding you close to our hearts. Janet

Elizabeth said...

Wow, he was cutting the grass?!?!? I am always so encouraged by your strength and your marriage. Thanks for updating us so we know how to pray for your family!

Marcia said...


We miss having you at the College, but you and Bill are in our thoughts daily.
I hope your stay at University Hospital is as good as it can be.
Take care.


Patty Grimes said...

Holly: I am glad that Bill is tolerating the chemo pretty well. The flu symptoms seems standard for many types of chemo. It's good to hear that he felt like cutting the grass - doing normal things is such a morale booster! I think of you often and you and Bill are in my prayers. God bless. Patty

Van 1- Hall said...

the nolan,
Gayle told me about your blog. I think the blog is a great thing to let loved ones know of Bill's status. It's just not the same without you here in the CEHD, things are pretty low key here...

I miss the red-haired wonder and I hope things keep getting better for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Feel free to check out my blog for a good laugh...just click on my name.

Unknown said...

it's thursday! 3rd day...counting down! i so admire your strength during this battle. your attitude & belief are the winning components. you have it!
my love to both of you,