Saturday, August 9, 2008

Still At Home!

It's been over a week now and we're still at home.  I really hesitate to make that statement for fear that I might jinx things, but so far things are moving in the right direction.  Bill is getting stronger each day and eating more.  He is still not up to a  2000 per day intake, so he continues with the TPN (intravenous feed) in order to build his strength.   Everyday he is able to walk a little further in the neighborhood and putter around the house more.  Today in fact he went to the grocery store with Emily.  He was rather put off by the recent changes in the Kroger store, as most of us have been I'm guessing.  

We're planning a low key birthday celebration this weekend with the kids and granddogs.  Bill's birthday is Tuesday, the day we are scheduled to see the oncologist to discuss next step treatments.   Hopefully we will get some positive news, which would be a wonderful birthday gift.  

We are so thankful for the continuous stream of thoughtful cards, emails, responses to the blog and visits.  We feel so blessed.  Your prayers are working.  Please stay in touch, and I'll keep you posted on things as we find out more about the upcoming treatment.  


Elizabeth said...

Great News! Thanks for keeping us updated. I'll keep praying!

Unknown said...

love the blog!
spendt some time w amy & troy today...keeping me updated, as well. also waiting for good birthday news. glad to hear you are both enjoying being at home.