Sunday, July 27, 2008

The response to our blog has been very positive.  Thanks for your feedback.  We've had a pretty good couple of days.  Bill seems to be recovering nicely from the surgeries he endured last week. He is walking and exercising a little more each day.  So far he has managed to remain fever free, and he is eating more and more.   He has a rather large wound in his gut, at the incision site.  It seems that the incision got infected, so they are trying to drain the infection, which is what is currently keeping us in the hospital.  We are hoping that the Dr. will release him soon to the care of "Nurse Holly"and we can go home.  

Thanks for all the visitors this week, it has been so good seeing everyone.  The calls, visits and emails always lift our spirits.  Hopefully, the next entry on this blog will be to say come visit us at home.  Stay in touch.  Holly


Elizabeth said...

So glad to hear Bill is doing well after surgery. The updates help us know how to pray specifically for your family. My parents are praying for you and keeping up with your blog too.

Unknown said...

holly & bill,
so glad to hear of your progress, bill! holly, when do you recv the white nurse's hat?
i want you to know that troy's, uncle, father bill fedders, will keep you in his prayers daily. can't ask for a better connection!
the BLOG is a terrific idea...great way to keep in touch.

Unknown said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers. We want you to get well and get out of that hospital!