Thursday, February 19, 2009


Things continue to be good for us.  Bill is continuing to gain strength, in fact he will probably "graduate" from rehab in a few weeks.  So, in preparation for that, he has begun to get back to Lakeside for workouts.  He has really enjoyed seeing folks and catching up (as well as getting back into the exercise routine of course!)  The goal is to return to a regular exercise routine and begin to build up those muscles.  

We have an appointment with the oncologist next week.  We will discuss starting this next proposed chemo routine.  Bill is willing to give it a try, who knows what drama that may bring.  But, we have to trust the Docs and at least try it.  

Fanny continues to both give us joy and drive us crazy.  We're thinking obedience classes, WE need the training.  When it comes to cute little puppies I guess we're push overs.  

We continue to take things one day at a time, grateful for all the acts of kindness and support. 
Thanks,  and keep in touch.  

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We returned home on Monday from our vacation in Northern KY and hoorah! we had power.  Other than some fairly minor cleanup both inside and out, we were lucky.  I guess over time we take certain technological advances for granted, like heat and hot water.   Believe me, Bill and I have a renewed appreciation for LG & E and all the workers, what a major cleanup job.  I hope everyone effected by the storm faired well.  

We apologize to anyone who might have tried to contact us last week during the power outage. We left town in a hurry and may have missed you.  

Bill is continuing to do well.  He seems to be getting stronger and able to do more around the house everyday.  He is continuing to go to rehab twice a week, which is a huge plus for him.  We have an appointment with the cardiologist next week to let us know what the echo cardiogram shows.  Since he seems to feel fine, we're not expecting any problems with his heart.  We'll see. 
In the meantime, we are working hard to get our lives back.  We hope to be able to continue in this direction for a long time.  

Fanny is keeping us busy and happy.  She already rules the roost, not spoiled at all of course.  If we ever get it together, I will take some updated pix of her and post them, I'm sure everyone is interested in watching her progress.  

As always, thanks so much for thinking of us and your continued support.  We love hearing from everyone and keeping up with things.  Happy Valentine's Day!  Holly